BDPSP worked with GTLC at RAF Marham to develop a clear induction with a voice over that would be used to ensure all personnel had a basic level of understanding of the safety requirements for the project. Traditionally, inductions for complex projects can take up the time of safety personnel, until it becomes an unwieldy task and takes away from the day to day management of safety, or worse, does not get delivered correctly.
The induction utilised a powerpoint presentation so it could easily be amended, with voice over software to issue the message it was conveying. It enabled a consistent and simple to understand message to be given to every single person that entered the site. It was available on a USB so that it could be delivered by the safety manager and other key staff, who whilst the induction was being completed, used the time to check training records and ensure paperwork was completed correctly. This saved time and resource, whilst maintaining a high standard of information communicated to new starters.